RIHR - Signal

National Conference ”With Us, Not For Us!”

On 22 March 2023 Romanian Institute for Human Rights participated in the national conference ”With Us, Not For Us!”. The event took place at the National Library and was organised by the Romanian National Disability Council in partnership with the Down Syndrome Federations and Star of Hope.

The main objective of the conference was the launching of the Down Syndrome Federation of Romania, and the analysis of specific needs of individuals with Down Syndrome, as well as the challenges that their families face in their efforts to provide them with a sustainable life.

The Down Syndrome Federation of Romania is comprised of 21 associations in the field, aiming to create a unified and collective voice concerning the needs, abilities, rights, social inclusion, and harmonious development of individuals with Down syndrome.

Possible mechanisms of cooperation between authorities and NGOs were discussed. Additionally, potential measures for protection and social inclusion of individuals with Down Syndrome were presented and debated.

The director of the Romanian Institute for Human Rights emphasised the importance of ensuring and respecting the rights of individuals with Down Syndrome in Romania through inter-institutional cooperation, aiming for concrete improvements in their quality of life.

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