RIHR - Signal

27 January – International Holocaust Remembrance Day

The theme designated by the United Nations for this year’s Holocaust commemoration is “Home and Belonging”, highlighting the tragedy of the victims and survivors of the Holocaust who lost their homes, the warmth of their hearths, and had their sense of belonging destroyed by the perpetrators of the Holocaust. We are reminded of each individual’s responsibility to respond with humanity to the victims of crimes and atrocities, to counter hate speech, anti-Semitism, distortion and denial of the Holocaust, as well as prejudices.

The Romanian Institute for Human Rights marked the commemoration of the Holocaust victims by creating an educational material that addresses both the serious consequences of the Holocaust on human society, as well as the importance of combating the recurrence of hate-driven messages and racist and neo-fascist attitudes in the current context. Thus, it was highlighted the importance of adopting a new UN resolution, A/76/L30, regarding Holocaust denial in 2022, as a response to the recurrence of neo-Nazi, racist, and xenophobic movements worldwide. The content of the resolution urges member states to develop education programs that convey the lessons of the Holocaust to future generations, contributing to the prevention of future acts of genocide and calling on the responsibility of the mass media in managing hate-inciting speeches. The UN Strategy and Plan of Action for combating hate-driven speeches were briefly presented.

The material was disseminated in partner middle schools and national colleges, as well as among youth associations and foundations. It is intended for both the younger generation and educators.

Message of the UN Secretary-General António Guterres on the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day

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