RIHR - Signal

Domestic violence. Paradigms and judicial practice

Romanian Institute for Human Rights, in partnership with ANAIS Association, launches the English translation of the publication Violența domestică. Paradigme și practică judiciară, Carmen Nemeș, Giulia Crișan (coord.), originally published by Universul Juridic Publishing House(Domestic Violence. Paradigms and judicial practice – Carmen Nemes, Giulia Crisan (eds.), I.R.D.O. Publishing House, 2022).

The phenomenon of violence should not be minimised. It is necessary to look towards the future with a new mindset as a society, in order to prevent domestic violence by changing perceptions and attitudes, and by eliminating gender stereotypes.

In the context of the collaboration with civil society and the partnership between RIHR and the ANAIS Association, the Institute, through the working group for women’s rights, of which the ANAIS Association is a part, supports the prevention and combating of any form of violence against women and children. Moreover, worth mentioning is the fact that this year ANAIS Association celebrates 11 years since it was created.

Through the activities within its mandate, the Institute acts as a bridge between civil society, legislators, and decision-makers. We hope that the English version of the publication will enable a wider audience to access this reference work, contributing to a better understanding of the issue of violence against women at the national and the international level. Additionally, we anticipate it will foster closer collaboration with human rights defenders and activists against violence worldwide.

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