RIHR - Signal

Round table

On 17 March 2022, RIHR attended a hybrid roundtable (at the Romanian Football Federation and online on the Zoom platform) on "Gender (in)equality in sport". The event was organised by the FILIA Centre together with the Maltese Football Federation, the Norwegian Football Federation, the Football Federation of Northern Macedonia, TREK Development, the European University Sports Association (EUSA) and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, with the support of the Romanian Football Federation (FRF).
Discrimination against women in sport is still a prevalent issue. The PROGRES project consortium carried out research and pushed the results in the paper “Analysing and Addressing Gender Gaps in Sport on Gender Inequalities”. By assessing the gender distribution in football, the study aims to strengthen the capacity of those working in the field of sport (federations and associations) and to promote women's participation and representation in football. The study was coordinated by academic researchers with expertise in sport and gender equality. Twenty-five sports federations from Italy, Romania, Norway, Malta, North Macedonia, Greece and Slovenia participated in the study. The study was conducted in the context of the PROGRES project - Promoting Gender Equality in Sport. Mainstreaming in football federations and associations - a project co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ programme.
As a roundtable participant and promoter of gender equality, RIHR highlighted FILIA's activity in the field of women's rights and as a member of RIHR’s working group on combating domestic violence. RIHR and FILIA promote gender equality through a human rights-based approach of SDG 5 of the 2030 Agenda. The Institute also highlighted the importance of early education to reduce inequalities and ensure women's participation and representation at all levels of society. In response to questions on the impact of this project, RIHR representatives stated that such projects are catalysts for the evolution of public policies designed to achieve gender equality.

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